Unique Electronic ID Added to Each Phone number outside the asigned Phone number each person has. Computers will not be able to use just any phone number to call, without the Electronic ID, because trying to use just the phone number the call would not go though.

Further roll out will be fast and easy to implement this type of system. There is no computer code used, just the electronic unigue tone added to each phone separate from the phone number assigned to each persons phone number.

You could compare this to a compter ID when in use on the internet. To stop these calls you will need to have the phone company attach this unique electronic ID to each Phone number, in this way no calls can be made without the ID and any calls made that is not ligament can be traced back to caller and identified for prosecution. There must be a law in that any one calling to harass or sell in a unlawful manner will be fined and or face imprisonment.

The whole idea of this is no one person can hide his or her identity form law enforcement because of the unique ID attached to each phone number that can be identified. Not like just the phone number by it's self that anyone could use from any location. with the ID you can only call from the location assigned.

Because of this, attempts to do this would be greatly discouraged and this allso can be a tool that the goverment to find and stop terrorist.

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