What would happen when power of cloud (Heroku) + Internet of things (Raspberry pi) + virtual reality + panoramic imaging are intertwined? Meet Timberdoodle, a real-time 360 degree horizontal panoramic dual camera device for cars for creating virtual tours on the go and powered by Heroku.

While going on tours, our family misses the fun sitting on the other part of the world. I feel bad when i am roaming around Las Vegas strip and my family and friends want to be there too but can't be. So why not let them see what you can see? Human vision has around 180 degree field of view. What about 360? So create a device that creates a virtual tour of a region in a 360 panoramic field of view and leave it as an exploratory project for your love mates!

Target users
Well, do i need to say that this device should be a part of every car in the world (then there are bikes and other 4 wheelers) and imagine a world where a person sitting in Asia can virtually roam and explore down town San Francisco (live or saved) along with you!

Key features

  • A small low powered portable handy device that can be mounted in front of the car and can be build in less than $100.
  • Create virtual tours on the go with 360 degree field of view of the surroundings while you drive your car. The images captured from cameras are sent to cloud (Heroku) for panoramic stitching in real-time and saved in your Google docs folder.
  • Share the virtual reality tour (retrieved from your Docs folder) with your love mates - realtime or later.

The name Timberdoodle comes from the unique bird that has a 360 degree field of view. More description, images, and screenshots coming soon.

Heroku use:

  • Heroku used for doing the heavy work of stitchinging the images captured from Raspberry-pi based camera device. Blitline is used for this purpose and Amazon S3 is used for storage.
  • Heroku used for hosting the HTML 5 (Node, Angular) based app that shows the panoramic feed from the stitched images. Connects to Amazon S3.

    Architecture Stack
    Architecture Stack
    Process Flowchart Process Flowchart

Screenshots SCR2

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