Tourismo is your personal tour guide. You've seen those tours go by, a guide holding a red rose above her head, followed by a flock of huddled tourists anxiously trying to keep up and listen to her every word, describing the Spanish steps in Rome or Jack the Ripper's path in London. You have thought about joining, but you felt jetlagged, and anyway that is not your style.

Now there is Tourismo, ready when you are, to help you discover and learn, traverse and socialize, wherever your travels might take you. Tourismo compiles multimedia walking tour presentations, which you can review and share. You can take the tour at your own pace, stop and start, and discover nearby other restaurants and attractions.

As you find out more about your area, you can choose to become a guide as well, producing through Tourismo your own walking tours.

Tourismo will provide not only cultural and historic perspectives, but specialized tours along other themes: nightlife, restaurants, neighborhoods, or themes (for instance sports, fashion, or technology).

Tourismo is also adaptable for less glamorous but incredibly useful "TOURS" such as navigating to and from the airport, even when the local language or letters: ખૂબ જ વિદેશી છે 非常外資 շատ արտասահմանյան ليست غريبة جدا+ (^ ^are very foreign)

(also produced by Bishal Gupta)

Built With

  • for-social-network/friends-checking/recomendations-
  • for-text-to-speech-
  • for-ui-prototyping-
  • foursquare
  • google-maps
  • ios
  • turn-by-turn-directon-
  • voicerrs
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