
Znapper Logo

Challenge your friends to category-based selfie battles

We made Znapper to provide teens with a fun and exhilarating way to compete with their friends at who can take the greatest selfie. Selfies are this generation's most relevant form of expression, communication, and entertainment, and Znapper allows Facebook friends to utilize this movement in a innovative and exciting way.

How to play

  1. Challenge your Facebook friend to a new battle
  2. Take a selfie that matches the randomly given prompt (e.g. "Imitate a frog," "Show us your mid-sneeze face," "Kim Kardashian")
  3. Your friend will respond to your challenge with their own selfie that matches this prompt
  4. Your other Facebook friends will vote for the victor
  5. The winner will proudly carry an extra win count to prove themself the ultimate selfie master

How we made it

Znapper was made with the ionic framework, which allows us to create cross platform mobile apps for both Android and iOS using web technologies and Apache Cordova components. Using ionic required that we also learn Angular.js and integrate it throughout our application. For our backend, we used Parse, and took advantage of the Parse workshop offered yesterday. To integrate with Facebook, we used Facebook's Graph API. We are most proud of learning how to use Ionic, Cordova, Angular.js, Parse, and Graph API during our time here at HSHacksII.

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